Virtual Cards Help Improve Remote Accounts Payable Efficiencies

B2B Digital Payments Tracker® - January 2022

More than 60% of finance professionals say their businesses have suffered vendor payment and invoice processing delays after going remote. In the “B2B Digital Payments Tracker®,” a PYMNTS and American Express collaboration, Matthew Shanahan of automated collections software provider Lockstep, explains how virtual cards help remote AP departments gain efficiencies.

Inside the January Tracker
  • An interview with Matthew Shanahan, co-founder and chief strategy officer at connected accounting FinTech company Lockstep, on how virtual cards can boost AP efficiency and security for businesses
  • The latest developments in B2B digital payments, including how 37% of travel buyers said they used virtual cards to pay for most of their expenses and why 62% of companies saw their DSO rates improve after automating their AR systems
  • A look at how digital payments are enabling B2B companies to pay their vendors faster and safer than manual processes

American Express B2B and Digital Payments Tracker Series